Let's Get Started!
Wheel Throwing & Hand Building
Class Fee: $195/8weeks
(from Jan. 1, 2025)
Non-members enrolled for an 8-week session enjoy:
One (1) 3-hr class per week
One(1) hour of open studio before class per week for Tuesday/Thursday evening, Saturday afternoon, or one (1) hour after Saturday morning class
Bisque and glaze firing of class pieces finished during the 8-week session (glaze purchased separately). You have 10 days after your last class to return pieces for glaze firing. Final firing may take 2-3 weeks to complete.
Things to note:
Make sure you come to class ready to get messy! You will probably want to bring a towel and/or apron. Wear comfortable clothes that you don't mind getting dirty.
All classes are project-based and designed for ages 16 and up. We love children, but we are an adult facility.
Missed classes can be made up during our regularly scheduled Independent Studio times. This is only valid during your 8-week session and does not roll over. This is not a class. Always check the calendar for the most up-to-date schedule.
Currently enrolled Non-members who want extra studio time may book Wheel Throwing OR Hand Building Independent Studio for an additional $10 per booking. This is independent practice time and is not a class. There is no instruction available during Independent Studio. Always check the calendar for the most up-to-date schedule.
Non-returning students must clear their shelf on their last day of class. Shelf should be wiped down and made ready for the next student.
Non-returning students will have 10 days from the last class to return completed work for firing.
Use of the studio will be terminated at the time of your last class session. This includes the option to pay for independent studio time.
Class fees are non-refundable.
This is not a drop-in class. We DO NOT offer drop-in classes.
VIEW OUR FAQ for more info
- Read More
This project-based class that teaches the basics of centering, trimming and glazing for all levels.
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3 hr
$195/8-weeks Loading days...
3 hr
$195/8-weeks- Read More
NEW! First time taking a pottery class? Monday night classes are just for beginners.
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3 hr
$195/8-weeks - Read More
$260/couple (from Jan. 1, 2025) for 4 consecutive weeks. Call to inquire at 702-375-4147!
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$260/couple/4-weeks - Read More
Independent studio time for currently enrolled students to practice their skills.
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3 hr
$10 Current students - Read More
Independent studio time for currently enrolled students to practice their skills.
Loading days...
3 hr
$10 current students
Become a Member!
Reduced Class fee $175/8-week session
(from Jan. 1, 2025)
Member Benefits: Membership extends your privileges beyond the classroom.
You must be enrolled in a 8 week class to participate.
Becoming a member is easy and is the best way to get the most out of your clay journey. To sign up you just need to pay your annual membership fee and then an on-going class fee per 8-week session.
Benefits now include:
2 classes/2 open studio
Extended storage and kiln space
Discount on selected workshops
Bring a friend to class pass one (1) day per year (non-transferable)
There are a limited number of memberships available. Please contact us to inquire about becoming a member.
Upcoming Studio Events
Connie Norman