No kiln? No problem!
CLAY ARTS VEGAS offers firing services!
Our highly-experienced clay professionals will fire your low- or mid-fire clay pieces in our studio at CLAY ARTS VEGAS. Turnaround time is approximately 14 days. Drop off Tuesday through Saturday, 9am - 4pm. Payment is required in advance. Make an appointment it makes it easier.
The Rules
To protect our equipment and other customers' work, we have a few basic rules when it comes to our firing services.
You must know what clay and glaze you used on your work. We will not fire unknown clay or glazes.
No paper clay or paper armatures!
Work must be dry. We will NOT use our kilns to dry your damp work.
All work must come to us boxed. No loose pieces. All work less than 2" square must be brought in glued to and fired on a firing tray that you provide (ie: a shallow clay tray or "cookie").
We do not fire glass or precious metal clay.
Work must be signed
For current members & students:
Cone 5 firing for work made in pottery class and/or open studio is included in your class fee.
Work must be placed on the firing cart located at the reception desk. Please refer to signage to ensure you put your work on the correct shelf of the cart.
If you are firing any extra work or any cone 10 work you must pay the firing fees before you place your work on the firing cart. A staff member will issue you a receipt which must be placed on your piece in order for it to be accepted for firing. Work that is extra, cone 10, or cone 10 glazed that does not have a receipt will not be fired.
Pieces made with cone 10 clay are an extra charge for firing. The cost is $3/piece. You must pay in advance and put the receipt on your work or it will not be fired.
Glazing pieces made with cone 10 clay using studio-provided cone 10 glazes cost $1/piece. You must pay in advance and put the receipt on your work or it will not be fired.
How to Pack Your Work
Greenware is fragile, and so is unfired glaze! To ensure your pieces survive the car ride and the trip to the kiln, make sure to pack each piece carefully. Wrap each individual piece in old newspaper, towels, or bubble wrap to keep them from getting damaged. Clay Arts Vegas is not responsible for any damage that occurs due to insufficient packing. All items must be brought to us in a labeled box (or multiple boxes). your packing materials will travel with you, we will not store packing for you. If you are bringing low- and mid-fire work, pack each in separate boxes.
Though rare, any damages to our kiln or kiln furniture directly attributed to your work will result in replacement or repair charges at your expense. This includes but is not limited to: glazes running onto the shelf, unknown or misidentified clay melting to furniture, and armatures burning off or fusing to the shelf (if wire).
Pricing is calculated by the amount of space your work takes up in the kiln, and is estimated when we load your pieces. When your work is fired, we will call you to let you know how much the firing will cost and collect payment. However, we can usually give you an estimate when you drop off your work just by taking a look at what you've brought. Remember this price is per firing. Here are the pricing tiers (NOTE: Prices are subject to change):
$6.00 - A single small piece such as a coffee mug or cereal bowl or a few small pieces that fit on a 6”x6” firing tray that you provide
$12.00 - A single piece that can fit into a 12"x12"x12” cube.
$40.00- Flat rate for about 30 coffee cups. This is space about 20”x20”x10” high
$80.00 – Flat rate for about 60 coffee cups 20”x20”x20”
$4.00 surcharge per piece for gas reduction firing, Half and full kiln prices based on amount of work and fuel costs
$40.00 - Full shelf in one of our big round kilns. As many pieces as we can fit into a 26" diameter x 8" tall space.
*NOTE : Firing fees are subject to change. For the most current price, please contact us.
What cones do you fire to?
We fire all low-fire (04-06) work (bisque and glaze) to cone 04. Though most glaze instructions recommend 05 or 06, there is rarely any noticeable difference in results firing low-fire glazes to 04. Doing so allows us to get your work through the kilns and back to you much faster.
All bisque firings are done at 04, no matter what clay body.
Mid-fire glaze firings are done at cone 5.
We can also fire Gold Luster, white gold, copper luster, and Mother-of-Pearl Luster at cone 018.
Can I glaze the bottoms?
You can not have glaze on the bottom of your work at any temperature. Clay Arts Vegas will not stilt (the little metal spikes) on any work.
What about underglaze?
Though underglaze will usually not stick to the shelf at mid-fire temps, there is some risk of certain colors fluxing out just enough to become 'tacky' and stick to the kiln-washed shelf. This may result in small bits of kiln wash stuck to the bottom of your pieces. It is best to glue a non-returnable onto the bottom of your work.
For low-fire work with underglaze on the bottom, it is best to glue a non-returnable onto the bottom of your work.
Do you fire beads?
​Yes, we will fire ceramic beads, but you must provide your own bead rack for the glaze firing.
I need this tomorrow! Can I pay extra for a rush firing?
Firings are done on a first-come, first-served basis. We do not offer any rush services. Firings typically take 14 days.