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Writer's picture: ClayArts VegasClayArts Vegas

Just a reminder we will be closed October 5 & 6 for our hands-on workshop with Ashley Bevington. SOLD OUT

Clay Arts Vegas Workshop Information

Day 1 :

10-12p Intro Work

12p 12:45p Lunch

12:45p – 4p work

Intro - I will talk a bit about my work and process, specifically of my food themed pieces. • Students will have some time to sketch their ideas if needed. • I will demonstrate hand-building techniques for a waffle cone ice cream sculpture and pot. Students will be encouraged to make one of each, too, but may choose to do 1 or the other. I’ll demonstrate how I create tiny details like individually place teeth. We will go over how to properly make a wall piece that will securely hang. I’ll demonstrate how I make custom sprinkles/toppings for my ice cream work. I will bring my molds & tools to create custom sprinkles, & students may use my supplies. • I will explain how I make my whipped cream and apply it onto pieces. Students will then get to try it on their own pieces.

Day 2: 10-12p Work

12p 12:45p Lunch

12:45p – 4p work •

Surface – I will go over surface techniques using underglazes & Mayco Stroke & Coats (if provided?) Participants will finish up any building then decorate their pieces with color. I will demo how I apply sprinkles so participants may do so after their pieces have been bisque fired.

Materials List: •

~4-5 lbs of laguna bmix 5 per student (1 cone sculpture + 1 Mug/cup + whipped cream piles, toppings/sprinkles & drips for each)

• Variety of Underglazes, especially Tea, White, & Mustard for the cone portion of works

• Variety of Colorful Stroke and Coat Glazes or Mayco 500 Series Glazes

• Basic tools such as scoring tools, needle tools, sponges, paintbrushes, metal/silicone ribs, pencils/paper, rolling pins, wooden knife tools, xacto knives

• Box of sandwich baggies (2-3 per student) for piping slip drips/Whipped topping

• 1M Icing piping tips, can find at Dollar Tree in variety packs, or Walmart in singles. looking specifically for the kind that look like the nozzle of a whipped cream can (Can simply use whipped cream can tips as well, if anyone uses it there, start saving!) Could be cool to have one for one for each student to take home, but could definitely just share a few community whipped cream piping bags and take turns, since folks will most likely arrive to this step at different times.

• Small bucket (coffee can sizeish) of some of the bmix 5 clay slaked down a bit.

• Add a small handful of Epsom salts (studio will provide) to the thick slip and give it a good mix with a whisk-like mixer. This will be used as the whipped cream topping, so it should hold it shape in stiff peaks if you stick your finger in it and pull it straight up (stiff peaks, just like meringue!)

• A couple handheld extruders with the small hole dies would be great, but we could just roll out super tiny coils by hand (this is for making sprinkles!)

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