2024 Sahara West Library Show
work drop-off reminder

February 24th, 2024 ALL WORK must be submitted to CAV by e-mail with a clear photo 4information@clayartsvegas.com
March 1 2024 all work must be in the Clay Arts Vegas Building and turned into the front desk
March 7, 2024 – May 18, 2024

We organize shows around Las Vegas and elsewhere to give members of the studio opportunities to share their work. This show is both functional and sculptural. We ask that all work have a flower on it, or be in some way Anthropomorphic, which means non-human things displaying literal human traits and being capable of human behavior. We want you to use vessels and sculptures to explore a garden that might grow in your dreams (Think Alice in Wonderland and Beauty and the Beast). So often when we are in the deepest part of sleep, we have vivid dreams that are connected to our creative selves. We see the rich color of what seems like nature, but in this beauty, we also find those little surreal thoughts. The teapot that can talk and sing songs, the squirrel that jumps up on your lap and reminds you of what you did when you were ten, or the thing that lives in the shadows. Flowers, ideas, creativity, and fears all grow in the rich garden of our minds and will grow in the gallery.

All work should be gallery-ready and have good craft. No broken, or cracked work will be shown. Work cannot be of an obvious political nature or have blatant sexuality or nudity as this is a public gallery. We ask that you email the studio with a picture of your work, title, and the spelling of your name by February 24th, 2024. Please note you can submit up to 5 pieces. We will do our best to show all the work, but some editing may happen to make sure everyone can show and for the best display.
Thank you for being part of the community!