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Writer: ClayArts VegasClayArts Vegas

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

We are looking to have a bit of fun here in Vegas and then move it to ART 321 in Casper Wyoming.

We love the idea of Butterflies. They are a symbol of rebirth, of flight, life and just joy. The rich colors and detailed patterns are natures art. We also are intrigued by the idea of the butterfly effect. Where an action becomes a catalyst to other reactions. With this as a starting point we want those pieces that are or

have butterflies on them.You may enter up to 5 pieces. All work must be made of clay, must be show ready ( This means goodcraft, no breaks, no repairs, and can be safely displayed without tipping or breaking), Work must have onit or be a butterfly. (Decoration inspired by wing patterns are great too). Work can be for sale. Sales through CAV have a gallery split (60/40)

Important DATES:

Friday May 10, 2024 photos due, even if it's not finished.

Friday May 24 All work you may want to enter in the show must be photographed in it's finished state, and be in the studio

Friday May 31 Show opening with a small reception

Saturday June 15. If you would like to be part of the juried show at ART 321 (Cash Prize and sales) you must apply.

Friday June 26 Strike Show

As these shows represent Clay Arts Vegas we curate and set up the show. We try to include as many people as possible. As the gallery is only so big we may need to cut some pieces or ask an artist for additional work. By not including a piece it does not comment of your work but the needs of making the


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